The Wellness Bulletin

At Wellness Bulletin we believe there is a need for natural healing products and methods more now than ever before. We are in a crisis. We only have to look around or listen to the news to know this is true. This website isn’t just about health though.. it’s about empowering you and our beautiful human family.  I believe we can create a better world.. a world where the planet thrives, and we thrive in excellent health. We were never intended to live the way we do.. we are out of sync with the planet, and we’re also out of sync with ourselves.

This website is really about Holistic Health.. health of the Mind, Body and the Spirit. When we have all of them working together in unison, we become better human beings and we become able to live in harmony. But to live like we were meant to means we have to eat well, care for ourselves and our well being, and care for the world that sustains us. This is no small task to be sure, but I believe it can be done. And the first step is with you.. and with each and every one of us.

On this site you’ll find articles as time goes on about Covid and natural remedies, how to Exercise For Optimum Fitness, and on nurturing our inner being through Meditation, Yoga, Exercise and overall Health and Wellness, and I search out the best and most highly rated products to help you to attain and maintain excellent health.

It’s my belief that God gave us everything we need, all we need to do is to understand how to bring our lives, and ourselves, into balance. Once we have done that, we will ultimately find that life is a joy to be lived and it will cease to be a struggle. Dis-ease caused by stress and our physical systems being out of balance will no longer be an issue. And, it will have an added benefit, our living sustainably on our wonderful planet will help the world to come back into balance as well.